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Here you will find information on the parts of the Mud Lyninx that are not showcased in the normal info page, as well as things such as a particular season they are more "active" in.

nsfw mud lyninx 2020 august 4th.png

The Mud Lyninx have 2 holes, one containing Male Genitals, and one with the Female Genitals, but it's very difficult to tell the difference when they are not aroused.


Even though they have 2 holes, the species still has a male gender and a female gender.


Male Mud Lyninx will usually greatly avoid using the hole with the Female genitalia, meanwhile, the Female Mud Lyninx will usually greatly avoid using the hole with the Male genitalia.

The sperm of the male Lyninx is the consistency of water, as well as transparent like water. but it has the same effect as Human sperm and will be able to successfully reproduce with another Mud Lyninx.


The female Lyninx may have the same genitalia as the male, but the female will not produce that substance.

Mud Lyninx have a very short period of time between the months of August and September where they are actually able to reproduce. Times other than those months, it is almost impossible to reproduce.

This species was created by Kei Karasu

on August 2nd, 2020.


Any sighted attempts of people stealing rights to this species should be reported

to Kei Karasu.

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